Monday, May 7, 2012

Welcomed Cool Down

May started out very toasty and humid.  I mean the A/C was running non stop through all hours of the night.  Temperatures we're constantly reaching the 80's or 90's every single day. It seemed like we were going to skip spring all together and jump right into the summer heat.  However, in the not too distant future, a cold front is going to save the day and bring us back to reality.

As this front trickles down south of us Tuesday and into Wednesday morning, temperatures will finally take a chill pill.  Highs will very nice and comfortable with numbers in the upper 70's.  That sounds nice but the best part about the weather pattern later this week is the overnight lows slipping to the mid 50's.  In other words, we'll get another opportunity to open the windows at night to cool off before the big time summer heat emerges next month.

So take advantage while you can because sooner or later we'll be in the triple digits before you know it.

1 comment:

  1. But, as well, it is the general public that you have to watch out for. Those hot-looking sports cars that zoom past you in the sunshine can become prone to slipping and sliding in the heavy rain if their drivers aren't very careful. So be sure to keep your eye not only on the road, but on those who share it with you. gold coast weather
